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Marin Angel Lazarov - who is that person?
A Bulgarian origin came to Finland all of a sudden, at the dictation of his soul, to learn it from the inside. Probably, it’s natural for a philosopher by nature, for a man of letters by education and a photographer by vocation. I would like to write about him in the context of his special outlook. The searching of itself in different is the normal way for a creative person. Ordeals and torments are always productive in a creative work. The projects he gives rise to are a mixture of the topically of existence, unconventional presentation and philosophy. Little children are a special world, naive and pure and innocent, which we lose as we learn the surrounding world. Marin knowingly keeps childish spontaneity of a perception in order to save the image of childhood innocent. Children’s pictures are touching by unexpected composition: a “sonny’s” first steps perceived through a baby’s arm remind us of looking at the eclipse able to turn into a baby, through green glasses of a broken bottle, a 4 y. o. child in a basket who is happy of being able to feel like a baby- a picture peeped in Latin America; an image of a “star” - Miss Finland 2002- in an unstable posture, on a cracked land, with vampire make- up is nothing more than the shaky posture of a human being honored by the society and them abandoned by it; an unexpected aspect of a picture of a well-known politician, which discloses his human fragility, i.e. exposure of the soul to everybody. The most important role of the photographer is to impress the moments of life of the society, so the future generations will judge about us by how we resolve them, how decently we behaved towards other people. All of this is shown in Her Majesty Picture! There are her myth and reality in it.

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